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Friday, February 16, 2007

My First Blog

As the name suggests this is my first blog.
I am writing something after a long time.
May be last time I expressed my thoughts through writing was when I used to give my English/Hindi paper in school.

Recently I have been reading the autobiography of the great Hollywood comedian Charlie Chaplin. The book is titled what else but "My Autobiography" .
The childhood of Chaplin was spent in London in poverty, scars of which it seems remained with him throughout his life. Both his parents were stage actors. His elder brother was also an actor.Chaplin's parents were divorced when he was very young .He and his brother lived with their mother .
Charlie gave his first stage performance when he was four.

Charlie had a remarkable success in Hollywood.
He wrote , directed and acted in his own silent comedies and perhaps was the greatest hollywood star of his generation.
His greatest works include "The Kid", "The Gold Rush" and "The Great Dictator" ,the last of these based on Hitler.

I remember Doordarshan used to show Chaplin's movies on Sundays long time back. It was fun at that time watching his comedies.



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